Articles about IT & AI

Python API tutorial

Python is one of the most in-demand programming languages in 2020. There are a lot of job offers for Python developers and lots of people who would like to learn this programming language. As we mention in one of the previous articles about learning Python, practicing knowledge is the most important. Taking into consideration that Python can be used to build an application’s back-end, I decided to create an article, describing how to create a simple REST API using Python, Flask, and flask_restful library.

7 min read

Women in programming

IT is still considered a place for men, and for some reason, there isn’t a lot of women who consider entering this sector. Maybe because they have some concerns about participating in this men dominated world. Women can be afraid of discrimination, loneliness, not getting any support from the team, or being treated as team decoration. Another thing that doesn’t encourage women to join the tech world as a tech employee is that software engineering is shown in the world like something complicated.

6 min read

Git cheatsheet

Git is a very useful skill to have and almost necessary in many companies. Browsing job offers for software engineers, you many realize that knowing git is nearly as important as knowing an actual programming language. But still many people forget to check out how git works and what commands are responsible for what action. When some time ago, I created a simple Git and Github tutorial for Youtube, I noticed how many people were interested in this topic.

6 min read

Brain boosting foods, which help you to learn programming

Learning is a long process of getting new knowledge, and it’s not always going as easy as we would like to. Sometimes it’s not easy to remember something or understand, and then we start to look for something to improve our ability to remember things and boost our brain. It’s not necessary to look in the pharmacy, because we can find a lot of natural brain boosters in grocery.

6 min read

How to practice Javascript online and get the experience

Intro on How to Practice Javascript? Javascript is a programming language that has been used for decades. It’s how you make interactive websites, how you build mobile apps. And it’s how most of us interact with our smartphones’ virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa. Javascript is now everywhere in software development, which makes it one of the most in-demand skills on the market. That’s also the reason why many people start learning Javascript.

8 min read

CSS frameworks

As a front-end programmer, I talk a lot about front-end frameworks, but I very often forget about how important are CSS frameworks and how much time they can save. When building the UI, we need a consistent and effective CSS, which can be a hard challenge to achieve. And that’s the reason why many front-end developers are looking for a solution in one of the popular CSS frameworks, like Bootstrap.

8 min read

Angular tutorial

Some time ago, I created the first tutorial about React.js where I showed you how to create an easy React.js application using an existing API and Bootstrap for styling. The positive response for this article brought me to the idea of creating a series of simple tutorials on how to build an application with the most popular front-end frameworks. To make it even more helpful for beginners and those who prefer to watch and learn, then read and learn; I also decided to add a Youtube video to every episode.

10 min read

React.js performance tutorial

Building applications sometimes can be a bit challenging, especially when we need to build a fast and good-quality application. These times it can be necessary, especially when search engines can give bonus SEO points for faster working apps, and it can help us to reduce our bouncing rate very strongly. To help you with that, I’ve created a few hints and tips which you could use to make your app very fast.

6 min read

Vue.js tutorial: How to create Vue.js app in 5 minutes?

Vue.js is getting more and more popular, becoming a meaning competitor to frameworks like Angular or React.js. As a beginner-friendly front-end framework, it successfully conquers the hearts of junior front-end developers and people who just started to learn front-end programming. So, as a person who started to learn front-end, you probably would like to practice your knowledge and write a simple app using your new skills. That’s why in this article, I want to show you how to build a simple Vue.

6 min read

What skills you need to be a good developer?

Every profession has special requirements; for example, to be a doctor, you have to know biology, finish medical university, but besides the hard skills, as a doctor, you have to be emphatic. As a teacher, you need to have qualifications to work with kids, but you also have to be caring. The same is when you decide to become a programmer, besides the main technology you’ve learned there are some common hard and soft skills every developer should have.

7 min read