Articles about IT & AI

Which programming language should I learn for remote job?

I recently noticed, remote working is a very interesting subject for many people. This makes me think, most of us would like to get a job, with the possibility of working from home, and have an option, to choose if you prefer to go to the office and meet people, or if you prefer to stay at home to work from your own desk. Of course, it’s not possible in every profession; for example, for a doctor who has planned surgery, it can be hard to do it remotely, but for many office workers, it is easily possible.

6 min read

8 CSS image filters with code examples

Using images, we can create an atmosphere, arouse happiness, smile, sadness, or any different emotion. With images, we can show a lot, and tell a lot as well; that’s why pictures are so widely used in the websites and applications. Designers take care of how users will feel the website and what kind of emotions it will bring. Graphic designers can use advanced software to edit photos and add them filters, masks, or other effects that decide about the final look.

6 min read

What is React.js and why it’s worth to learn?

Deciding to change your career and get into a tech market as a coding specialist is the first step to a great adventure that you start now. After some research, you decided to build websites and web apps, it seems easy for beginners and very in demand, so that’s the thing you want to jump in. You already know that HTML and CSS are the total basics you have to learn, later Javascript is in the queue of the skills to get.

6 min read

CSS Grid tutorial

When we build front-end, always we need to create a structure of our page, and very often, we need to create any grid. We can position elements in a few ways. For example, in the previous article, I showed you how we could do it via flexbox. So, today, I would like to show you one more tool which I want to use, named CSS Grid. Let’s see the most popular (and most often used by me) methods which can save a lot of our time.

6 min read

Flexbox cheatsheet – 12 tips and tricks every web developer should know

Probably almost everybody in the front-end industry heard something about the flexbox and benefits which it can give to us when we need to design a grid. In this article, I would like to explain what flexbox is and how we can use it to save a lot of our time. Flexbox is a CSS layout module that allows us to setup nice-behaving and responsive grid in a speedy and friendly way.

5 min read

Good and Bad Practices of Coding in Python

Python is a high-level multi-paradigm programming language that emphasizes readability. It’s being developed, maintained, and often used following the rules called The Zen of Python or PEP 20. This article shows several examples of good and bad practices of coding in Python that you’re likely to meet often. Using Unpacking to Write Concise Code Packing and unpacking are powerful Python features. You can use unpacking to assign values to your variables:

10 min read

What is this keyword in Javascript?

This keyword in Javascript is an important concept that makes a lot of confusion for beginners and more advanced developers as well. It’s very powerful, but it’s not so easy to use if you don’t know how it works. In the article, I’m going to explain what is this keyword and what is its value in different cases, with code examples to make it even more apparent. What is this?

7 min read

How one career decision can change your life: Sara’s story

In social media and blogs, we can see lots of different stories when people leave their current life and start from the beginning, they change the place, change careers, change jobs. As a side observer, it seems great, because there is nothing better than people who do everything to be happy. But in real life, most of us probably don’t know anyone who would leave everything just like this, because we have contracts, bills to pay, a stable situation.

6 min read

How to create React app in 5 minutes?

React.js is one of the most popular front-end frameworks nowadays, which lots of people find useful to learn. After mastering the theory, it comes the time to start the practice, and then it may seem a little bit difficult, how to start, how to get data, how to display it. But creating your first React.js application doesn’t have to be so complicated. It’s also a way to practice Javascript skills, but not the only one.

7 min read

How to practice Python skills?

Learning Python doesn’t differ much from learning other programming languages. One path to becoming proficient in Python (or any other language) mostly depends on the existing programming knowledge and experience. This means that experienced programmers — already familiar with main programming concepts — usually use different strategies than novices. However, there are few things in common for all, and one of them is that you need to practice a lot!

12 min read