How to Write a Resume for IT Job – Tutorial With Resume Example Template

How to write a resume for IT job – Tutorial with resume example template


Today I will show you how to write a resume for an IT job.

In the few last episodes, we started focusing on learning coding from these courses:

Golang course with building a fintech banking app

Node.js course with building a fintech banking app

Angular Course with building a banking application with Tailwind CSS

Python course with building a fintech investment AI

But what next after you will master your coding skills?

You should start looking for the first role as a programmer!

When you look for a good role, there are a few main points that will make you the right candidate in the companies eyes.

These are your coding portfolio, experience, soft skills, and hard skills.

To have a chance to show them in an excellent way to companies, you need a pack of all of them in the one document, your resume.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a good one resume for an IT job, even if you don’t have experience.

Next, after building a CV, I will give you a prepared template that you will be able to change and use.

Let’s start!

If you prefer video, here is the youtube version:

What is the Best format for resume for IT job

By my experience, the best response is for the CV, where the most crucial and for sure, the contact data are easily accessible.

A lot of the people don’t read your cv very detailed, just a quick shoot, for the main info.

Very easy to read are cv with two columns.

The left column can have 30-40% of width and should contain your personal and contact data.

The right one can be 60-70% width, and contain the main body of the cv, like your summary, skills, experience, and education.

Personal data

The first section with personal data is probably the most important for you.

Because even if you have the best skills and profile.

Nobody will be able to contact you without that info.

In the personal and contact data section, you can add info, like your address, phone number, GitHub, and the professional social networks.

In addition, you can add any blog (if you have one), or date of your birth.

You can add a name there, but I prefer to add a name as a resume header.

Personal data section example

Personal Details

Phone number

+1 111 111 111 

Fax number

+1 111 111 112

Email Address


12 Main street,

San Francisco, 10001

LinkedIn Profile



If you still have some space in the left column, you can add the second section.

That can be languages that you know (standard, not programming).

It’s good to add all of the languages you know (even on some basic level).

It’s a good idea because some teams can speak, for example mostly Spanish, and if you know that language, your „flow” can be easier to have.  

Languages section example


  • English (native)
  • French (advanced)

About me

Le’ts go into the right column now.

The first section (and maybe even last that recruiter will read) can be a simple summary of the whole resume.

You can write 2-3 sentences about who you are, your main career path, and what you would like to do.

About me section example


I’m fascinated about frontend programming, a self-improving person, who wants to learn more and improve his career. I recently completed the FRONTEND DEVELOPER CAREER PROGRAM at and finished a couple of projects to get experience with learned technologies.

I’m looking for new challenges and opportunities to grow in a company environment. 

I have good teamwork skills and problem-solving abilities, which makes me a good fit for the software development sector.

Main skills

This section can be your game-changer!

In this section, you can show the primary skills that you work with (without hundreds of smaller libraries, and languages that you know a bit).

It’s worth to add the main core skills you are experienced the most and would like to continue working with.

Try to avoid adding more than a few most critical skills in this section.

Main skills section example


HTML5, CSS5, Sass, Bootstrap, Javascript, React.js

IT Projects experience

In this one section, you can show your experience and projects that you were working with.

I’ve split the resume for the two sections (IT projects experience and Non-IT experience).

So, even if you do not have so much IT experience, you can add some projects you built as training.

It is always worth adding some links to the projects or GitHub, where the person reviewing your resume will be able to take a look.

Of course, if you have a big exp, it’s good to write 2-3 sentences of every project description and add some info about the responsibilities you had.

IT Projects experience section example


Marketing Agency Website – coding website views using HTML and CSS, maintaining responsive standards. 

Shoe E-commerce – coding e-commerce main view, product page, and checkout process using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap

Tic tac toe game – building a simple game logic using Javascript, and building the view using Bootstrap and Sass

Tax calculator – building a simple tax calculator logic, with React.js, getting data from external sources using REST API. Using Bootstrap and Sass for the styling.

Search app – building a React.js search app with the external data source using REST API and filtering for the advanced search. For views, HTML and CSS were used, with maintaining the responsive standards.

Customers CRM – building a CRM app, which has the following functionality: displaying all users, displaying a single user, adding a user, updating user, deleting a user. Using external REST API. For this application is used React.js, Redux, and Bootstrap used for building the views.

Non-IT experience

This is the section where you can show off even if you do not have an impressive experience.

If you have not big IT experience, you can add some more roles that you were doing before.

It’s important because the hiring person can see, you had not any career gapes so much.

Of course, if you had any gapes, it’s worth to mention, and add a simple explanation of why it was.

Non-IT experience section example


2005 – 2020 – Public Administration Consultant 

  •  – making recommendations to increase efficiency
  •  – obtain funding sources
  •  – analyze the operations of the organization
  •  – recommending solutions to the issues about the operations
  •  – cooperating with other sectors of the organization
  •  – analyzing the budget of the organization 
  •  – using analytic software and MS Office 

2000 – 2005 – Waiter in Example Restaurant

  •  – provide service to ensure customers satisfaction
  •  – provide menu recommendations 
  •  – using ordering software
  •  – solving unexpected problems with customers


This one is the section where you can add education.

If you have finished some IT-related courses, it’s worth adding them here.

But if you have 100 certificates and few diplomas, it’s good to add only these related to IT.

Of course, if you have only one complete course, and your degree is not IT related, it’s worth to add it here anyway.

But, if you have 3 degrees, and some certificates related to construction, but one to IT, it’s not needed to add all of them.

Education section example


  • Public Administration at Example College, Mesa, Arizona 2001 – 2005

Resume template for freshers

Now it is the best part!

We prepared for you the editable template of the Resume for IT professionals.

You can download it and fill it with your data.

Next, you can upload the complete resume into the professional social network and start sending it to the companies.

Link to the resume for IT job is here:

The best resume template for IT professional


Congratulations, now you know how to write a resume for IT job!

You’re ready to start applying for the IT job.

In other episodes of the Duomly IT career builder career series, we will talk about building a portfolio and looking for an IT job.

Maybe is something that you would like to know the most?

Let us know in the comments!

Thanks for reading,

Radek from Duomly