Articles about Javascript

How to build an Instagram clone with react js, next js and bootstrap 5 tutorial for beginners

Intro to how to build an Instagram clone with react js and next js Hello, you will learn how to build an Instagram clone with react js and next js in today’s episode. To build our Instagram clone template, we will use Bootstrap 5. I’m super excited to show you all of that because it’s one of the coolest applications we will build together. You will learn many useful things today.

6 min read

Client-Side Rendering or Server-Side Rendering - what is the best solution for your next application?

Intro to Client-Side Rendering vs. Server-Side Rendering We can create awesome web applications and websites with the technologies we have right now, but there’s still a performance that needs to be considered. Developers outdo each other to achieve the best results in loading speed and user experience in their projects. And at that point, there are many discussions on the way, applications should be rendered. Before modern front-end frameworks started to be used so commonly, websites were rendered on the server, and ready .

6 min read

REST API vs GraphQL - comparison

Into to REST API vs. GraphQL Since GraphQL was presented as a revolutionary alternative to RESTful API in 2015, there is a discussion between both solutions’ supporters and opponents. As everything, RESTful API and GraphQL both have pros and cons, which need to be considered selecting proper solutions for the next project. And as always, the choice should depend on the type of project that you are building. For some kind on the application, RESTful API will be a justified solution, when for the other type, GraphQL will be much better.

8 min read

How to implement redux-saga with ReactJS and Redux [TUTORIAL]

Intro to Redux setup tutorial Very often, you can hear about the state in frontend applications, but what it exactly is? Let me explain. State in frontend applications represents all the data stored in the application in a given time. It can be stored in different formats like objects or strings. Based on the state’s values, we can personalize the application, display, and hide certain elements. To manage the state in modern frontend frameworks, we can use different libraries like Redux, MobX, or NgRx.

13 min read

RxJS: Observable vs Subject - tutorial for beginners

Intro to RxJS Observable vs Subject RxJS is one of the most useful and the most popular libraries when using Angular as the main framework for your project. RxJS provides two types of Observables, which are used for streaming data in Angular. For most beginners, who just started with Angular, Observables are the biggest source of frustration; it’s confusing and not easy to understand. Personally, I felt the same; when I started with RxJS, it was confusing.

10 min read

Testing ReactJS app with Jest and Enzyme tutorial

Intro to testing frontend applications Writing a good quality web application requires testing, to avoid unexpected crash of one component when something changes in the other one. It’s necessary to understand the logic and plan test cases at the beginning to test the application well. In this article, I’d like to go deeper into development concepts like Test-Driven Development (TDD), and explain to you why testing the app is essential.

11 min read

14 most popular Angular interview questions in 2020

Intro to Angular interview questions Some time ago, we started a series about Javascript interview questions, we’ve gone throng some questions about React.js, CSS, and backend. But still, we didn’t cover all the technologies that are important for front-end developers; that’s why today, I decided to create a list of 14 questions about Angular, which can be very helpful in your next interview for the position with Angular. I’m going to start with the fundamental information that can be useful for junior developers, and then I’ll also cover some more advanced aspects of this framework.

12 min read

How to select right tech stack for your next web application?

Intro Before every project in IT starts, there is a lot of planning and decision-making processes. This planning phase is critical and can have a significant impact on the project’s future. Selecting the right technology stack can affect the time of development, cost, quality of the application, and also the scalability, that’s why it’s so essential to make this decision right, even if you need to spend more time, analyzing all the pros and cons of available solutions.

12 min read

How to build company website with Bulma CSS

Intro to how to build company website with Bulma CSS Today you will learn how to build company website with Bulma CSS. In the previous episodes, you’ve learned how to build a website with Bootstrap 5: And, you’ve learned how to build admin template with Bootstrap 5: Now, it is the time for something the same fantastic, and maybe even sweeter for the UI. Bulma CSS framework is a very popular, great to use, and a beautiful CSS framework that you can use to build great UI.

12 min read

How to create a front end project structure that scales and is easy to maintain?

Intro to frontend project structure The frontend has never been so complex as it is today. A few years ago, it was just about some colorful elements placed in the table, and simple events to send the data to the backend. Since modern frontend frameworks and libraries came into play, the client-side became responsible for a big part of logic and functionality. Now, we even start building serverless projects, where almost everything needs to be processed by the frontend.

12 min read