Articles about Javascript

How to create React app in 5 minutes?

React.js is one of the most popular front-end frameworks nowadays, which lots of people find useful to learn. After mastering the theory, it comes the time to start the practice, and then it may seem a little bit difficult, how to start, how to get data, how to display it. But creating your first React.js application doesn’t have to be so complicated. It’s also a way to practice Javascript skills, but not the only one.

7 min read

What is the difference between Shadow DOM and Virtual DOM?

DOM (Document Object Model) is a fundamental concept in front-end, and for sure, everyone who tried to learn programming has heard about it more than once. For beginners, it’s not so easy to understand what it exactly is and how to manipulate it. DOM manipulation isn’t so easy and comfortable, and the most important, it brings a lot of issues with performance. Nowadays, there are two essential concepts of DOM came with progressive web frameworks like Angular, React.

6 min read

What are Javascript classes and how to use them

What are javascript classes Classes are a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming, and they are used in many programming languages, but it wasn’t like this in Javascript. Until ECMAScript2015, known as ES6, classes didn’t exist in JS. In 2015 with the update classes were introduced as syntactic sugar for the existing prototype inheritance model. What classes bring is a more comfortable and more readable syntax for objects and inheritance.

6 min read

Essential knowledge about what are Javascript functions with examples

Function in programming is one of the most basic elements. It is a set of statements that perform some activity to get the result. In lots of cases, the action is performed using the data which are provided as input. The statements in the function are executed every time the function is invoked. Functions are used to avoid repeating the same code. The idea is to gather tasks that are executed more than ones into a function and then call the function wherever you want to run that code.

6 min read

What’s new in ECMAScript 2019 (ES2019)?

Every year since 2015, new ECMAScript features are released. Creating a new ECMAScript standard has four stages, from stage 0 to stage 3 it is mostly planning, and drafts and stage 4 is final. It’s possible to use the newest features in Google Chrome version 72. Let’s take a look at what exactly ES2019 brings us: Object.fromEntries(), trimStart() and trimEnd(), flat(), flatMap(), Symbol object description property, catch optional binging, well formatted JSON.

5 min read