Articles about AWS
Serverless course Lesson 3: How to create MongoDB REST API in Node.js
Intro to Serverless course Lesson 3 Today you will learn how to create MongoDB REST API in Node.js. In the previous episodes of the serverless course, you’ve learned how to set up the AWS Lambda Serverless project. The URL is here: In the second lesson, you’ve learned how to create AWS Lambda Serverless authentication with Node.js and MongoDB, and the URL is here: I’m super excited about what we will build because we will go forward in today’s lesson and develop more features.
Keep reading...Lesson 2: Serverless authentication tutorial for beginners
Intro to serverless authentication In today’s lesson, you will learn Serverless authentication. Did you already finish the „What is Serverless” episode? If not, you can find it here: What is serverless Next, you should do the Serverless course’s first lesson, which was „Serverless How to Start”. You can find it here: Lesson 1: Serverless how to get started tutorial for beginners If you finished them before, you can focus on today’s lesson and learn new, essential skills.
Keep reading...Lesson 1: Serverless how to get started tutorial for beginners
Intro to serverless how to get started tutorial Today we will go through the Serverless how to get start tutorial. In the previous episode, I’ve told you what is serverless, why you should use that, and how you can save even 90% of your IT infrastructure costs. You can find the URL here: What is serverless I’ve promised you, I will teach you how to build Serverless Node.js applications, and today we start the Serverless course.
Keep reading...AWS Serverless Web Application tutorial
Intro to AWS Serverless Web Application tutorial Today we’ll go throught AWS Serverless Web Application tutorial. Nowadays, almost every industry actively uses IT. We build web and mobile apps, manufacturing applications, e-commerce, and even software to handle factories. Development is not an easy process, costs a lot of money, very often it is stressful, and still, it’s not all that we need to handle. Most of our IT solutions need maintenance, and IT infrastructure to handle our software.
Keep reading...AWS course Lesson 1: How to host a website on S3 with Cloudflare
Intro to AWS course - How to host a website on S3 with Cloudflare In the first lesson of the AWS course, we’ll talk about hosting a website on S3 with Cloudflare. How you ever heard about the idea of hosting a website on the Amazon S3? Yes, it’s possible, and it’s one of the best ideas, especially if we can combine that with free CDN from the Cloudflare company.
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