Articles about IT Career
Types of employment as programmer
Types of employment - intro When you become a software engineer and get some experience, you have more than one way to go with your career. Although most software developers work their whole life as full-time employees, there are at least two other ways programmers can go with their skills. By selecting different types of employment, you can change your career by 180 degrees. If that change would be positive or negative, you need to analyze the pros and cons of different employment options.
Keep reading...6 job interview tips for developers
Job interview tips for developers intro The job interview is something challenging for many people because you have to go to the meeting with your future employer personally in most cases. Besides that, you never know what kind of questions you can hear and what answer will be the best. Although the technical part is important and depends on your hard skills, sometimes it happens that even an experienced developer may not pass the interview because of the soft skills and lack of preparation for the other part of the interview.
Keep reading...What are your future goals in career and life?
This article contains affiliate links. By purchasing using these links you support our blog and YouTube channel. What are your future goals? What are your future goals? This question is pretty common while interviewing for the job of your dreams. And that’s kind of understandable that company that would like to hire you, what’s to know what are your future goals for work or even in life. First of all, if you can present your development plan and describe what you’d like to achieve in the next few years, you can be a great investment for the company to bring you on board.
Keep reading...9 Python project ideas for beginners, to practice your coding skills and get hired
Intro to Python project ideas for beginners Everyone who has ever learned anything knows that practice really matters. That’s why, when you are learning a programming language, it’s essential to train it by building projects. Besides that, when you practice your coding skills, you can create the projects that you can add to your coding portfolio on Github and show it when you will be looking for a job.
Keep reading...7 Node JS project ideas for beginners, to train your skills
This article contains affiliate links. By purchasing using these links you support our blog and YouTube channel. Intro to Node JS project ideas for beginners In this article, I’d like to tell you about 7 Node JS project ideas that will help you train your skills, build an impressive portfolio, and get hired. For some time, I’m publishing the lists of projects that you can use to practice the coding skills that you’ve just learned.
Keep reading...Freelance programming: how to start getting clients and earning money in 8 steps
How to start freelance programming Starting a freelance programming career became really popular in previous years, and of course, it has lots of advantages. Hence, people are more and more interested in working this way. Some of us choose freelancing because it can be done anywhere, you don’t need to be in a specific location to do freelance jobs. One day you can be in South America, second in Australia and the other in Asia.
Keep reading...11 React.js projects for beginners, that will help you to build an amazing portfolio and get hired
This article contains affiliate links. By purchasing using these links you support our blog and YouTube channel. In this article, I’m going to continue with the ideas for your portfolio, today with React.js projects for beginners. In previous weeks, I’ve published two articles with project ideas for a front-end developer portfolio. I’ve started by providing you 11 HTML project ideas for beginners, so you can practice essential skills you’ve got in your career path.
Keep reading...How to write a resume for IT job – Tutorial with resume example template
Intro Today I will show you how to write a resume for an IT job. In the few last episodes, we started focusing on learning coding from these courses: Golang course with building a fintech banking app Node.js course with building a fintech banking app Angular Course with building a banking application with Tailwind CSS Python course with building a fintech investment AI But what next after you will master your coding skills?
Keep reading...10 Javascript project ideas for beginners, that help you to build an amazing coding portfolio
This article contains affiliate links. By purchasing using these links you support our blog and YouTube channel. One week ago, I wrote an article about HTML & CSS projects, which you can do to practice your skills and start building your coding portfolio. Then I also promised you the second part of this list, javascript project ideas for beginners. If you don’t have an idea how to practice Javascript, this list is definitelly worth checking.
Keep reading...HTML project ideas for beginners
This article contains affiliate links. By purchasing using these links you support our blog and YouTube channel. In this article, I’m going to give you 11 HTML project ideas for beginners. Creating your coding, front-end portfolio can be challenging, especially if you are a newbie and don’t have a lot of ideas. You probably wonder what kind of smaller or bigger projects you can create to impress your future employer and quickly get a job.
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