7 Different Types of Online Classes

7 different types of online classes intro

If you’ve been thinking about starting your online business, giving classes might’ve come to mind. As we are all well aware, the online world has a space for everyone and all types of content.

But a space for audience and content is not the same as spaces for type of classes. The latter refers to the format, not the content.

In today’s article, we will mention 7 of the best types/formats for your lessons. We will be broad and include various types, with a few examples.

Let’s start.

Video Online Course

Let’s start with a famous one, video lessons. They have been used for years for a few reasons. First, multimedia content is liked by most people. Second, you don’t need to set up any advanced technological platform or anything. They resemble normal lectures or presentations in most cases, which make them easier to make and digest for most people.

Of course, many like to add graphs, videos, and others to spice things up, but you can show them as a normal lecture.

Besides, people working close to the arts or the body will find this type very useful.

Now, as a short example, imagine you got a course about making cookies. You got 10 tips and tricks as well as recipes. You then just prepare your script (could be short) and record yourself talking about it/showing it. That is pretty much it!

Interactive Online Course (For Example Duomly)

There are many reasons why you would opt for this type of course. One major one is learning only from video, especially for technical skills, could be challenging. Besides, interactive courses keep your audience learning and engaged. You don’t want them about to fall asleep in the middle of your videos!

Also, this method of learning does not need you to personally grade their progress as if you were a teacher. You can set up a system of multiple-choice answers, and let technology do their job!

One great example of an online course is inarguably Duomly. It offers a broad range of courses that are well structured from top to bottom. Each section is divided into small parts, that test your learning as every new important concept is introduced.

Besides, it is suitable for people with short spare time since they can progress as they see fit. There is no need to expend 1h watching a whole lecture!

Written Online Course (For Example Duomly Blog)

You may rightly ask then, “why this one if interactive courses are so great?” Well, one reason is that some people are simply more old school. Traditional good old texts are what they look for. Other is that some topics may be more broad or complex. This makes shortening their explanations or dividing them into pieces, counterproductive. You either create room for confusion or unnecessarily prolonged the course by doing this. None of them are recommended.

Another reason would be that simply you got several topics to teach about, but they don’t share a lot in common. In an interactive course, those that are not very related won’t be mentioned. But in the case of written courses, you can definitely add the topic to your platform.

Besides, written texts have this special vibe and connection with the audience that none of the 2 above have.

Duomly, again has a great example of this, Duomly Blog. In it, you will find well-written, concise but well-elaborated pieces that will teach you a whole range of things. It also counts with step-by-step explanations and all types of visual guides like screenshots. All of this and more form part of an overall admirable experience.


Like video courses, webinars are accessible and very famous. One particularity is the option to interact with members of the panel, and with the audience via Q&As. Besides, while it is less flexible than the other ones because most likely you will be showing a ppt, it is friendly for all types of audiences. This is because we, regardless of age/education level, are familiar with presentations. Also, because the format is stricter, you will find it less time-consuming. There won’t be a need to post videos, let alone interactive sections anywhere. But, of course, a solid preparation is needed, so it is not necessarily easier.

Email Course

We are all familiar with emails of all kinds, but their use for courses is largely unexplored.

Emailing is great at this and works like written online courses do. Plus, they offer similar advantages and benefits.

There are a few differences though. For example, they will tend to be shorter. Also, the way of addressing your audience is more personal, you are literally appearing in their inbox. This is different from the normal dynamic of them somehow entering your site.

Lastly, it is also important to note that these types of courses won’t be for everyone. Not only because it works for some type of content better than others. Imagine teaching how to play the guitar by using this method. But also, because getting the email listing is a different dynamic.

One-to-One Training

One of the favorites of those that are learning practical skills. One good aspect of this type is that you got full liberty to structure the class. So, you can ensure a great model considering your and your student’s goals/preferences.

This type can also be used for other types of skills as well, but with certain limitations. For example, say that you are teaching something to someone completely new. No matter how much you both try, there is a learning process in there. You can accelerate it, but don’t delete it altogether, meaning there will be some waiting time.

This leads us to consider these types of classes mostly for specialized students. For example, one great idea would be to have online courses that put everyone from your audience at a certain knowledge level. And then, use 1-1 training to maximize time and overall classes effectiveness.

Boot Camp

This type of course is for those that want to get the most out of classes ASAP. The idea is to be short and intense; we are talking a few hours per day/week. It is not pushing it, but only adding the right amount of pressure to maximize learning. Bare that in mind!

Also, remember our previous point about the learning curve. Say, your teaching quantum physics, in 2 weeks you won’t cover a whole semester. Because almost no one will handle that without getting overwhelmed and burn out.

Lastly, boot camps are great because they are flexible as well. Flexible not when they start but after. You can use everything from books to videos, graphs, 1-1 talks, lectures, etc. And schedule the plan as you see fit. But then, you stick to the schedule for good, something that 1-1 classes can change.

Conclusion of 7 Different Types of Online Classes

There are many ways to start teaching your audience about your interest and areas of expertise. Some work best for a particular subject or audience. While they can all be used in tandem by most entrepreneurs. Deciding on which to start first, after knowing more about these methods, will be much easier.

Thanks for reading this article, we hope it has been useful, and as always, we wish you the best of luck.