Articles about IT

AWS course Lesson 1: How to host a website on S3 with Cloudflare

Intro to AWS course - How to host a website on S3 with Cloudflare In the first lesson of the AWS course, we’ll talk about hosting a website on S3 with Cloudflare. How you ever heard about the idea of hosting a website on the Amazon S3? Yes, it’s possible, and it’s one of the best ideas, especially if we can combine that with free CDN from the Cloudflare company.

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GraphQL tutorial - ReactJS Course: Lesson 1

Intro to ReactJS with GraphQL REST is an API design architecture, where requests are done through the URLs, and the core idea in the REST API is that when linking to a particular URL, you should get a piece of data, called a resource. Connecting to the URL in the REST API is called a request, and the answer is the response. GraphQL is a query language for the API.

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How to build GraphQL API tutorial - Express.js course Lesson 1

Intro to how to build GraphQL API tutorial In the first lesson of the Express.JS course, we’ll focus on building a GraphQL API tutorial with typescript. Express.js is one of Node.JS’s most popular frameworks, which helps us create a backend for our application with the usage of Javascript or Typescript. It’s convenient because we can do full-stack development with only knowledge of the Javascript. Don’t worry if you don’t know Javascript yet, we created a course that will help you learn that excellent programming language.

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Kotlin course with building Android AR app - Lesson1: How to setup Android Studio and ARCore for an augmented reality project

Intro Today we will start the Kotlin course, where we will build the Android augmented reality mobile app. As most of today’s lessons, we will learn how to setup Android Studio with ARCore for augmented reality projects. Kotlin programming language is one of the most popular now. Kotlin is similar to Java and strongly cooperates with that language, but I would say, Kotlin gives us much bigger opportunities. In Kotlin, we can build not only back-end but also cross-platform mobile applications, work with data-science, do pure android development, and even do web development.

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7 Node JS project ideas for beginners, to train your skills

This article contains affiliate links. By purchasing using these links you support our blog and YouTube channel. Intro to Node JS project ideas for beginners In this article, I’d like to tell you about 7 Node JS project ideas that will help you train your skills, build an impressive portfolio, and get hired. For some time, I’m publishing the lists of projects that you can use to practice the coding skills that you’ve just learned.

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Golang Course With Building a Fintech Banking App - Lesson 6: DB connection pool and Transactions History

Intro In the 6th lesson of the golang course, we will talk about the Golang DB connection pool and transaction history. In the previous lessons, we built some features that made our project bigger. Here you can find the five previous lessons: In the previous episodes of the Course, we learned how to do migrations: Golang course with building a fintech banking app – Lesson 1: Start the project

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Node.js Course With Building a Fintech Banking App – Lesson 4: Login and User Authentication

Intro to Node.js Course - Login and User Authentication In previous weeks we started a Node.js Course, where we are building a fintech banking application. In this course, we are using the Nest.js framework and Typescript. In the first lesson of this Node.js Course, we started a project and done migrations to set up the database. In the second and third lesson, I focused on user registration, creating a new user in the database, and displaying the proper response from the endpoint.

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Blockchain use cases in education

Intro to blockchain use cases in education Today we will talk about blockchain use cases in education. Education, especially the public, is one of the industries that still don’t go so fast into the very modern world. There is a lot of paperwork. Students in many schools need to apply in a slow way, and a lot of people work required to handle that. It’s about the performance, usage of resources, and energy, but more issues need to be fixed ASAP.

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9 Vue JS project ideas for beginners, that will help you to get hired

Intro to Vue JS project ideas for beginners In this article, I’m going to share another list of project ideas, today for the Vue.js apps. You could realize that we’re publishing articles with a list of project ideas for the particular front-end technology to provide you some apps ideas that you can create to practice coding and create an excellent portfolio. It’s also helpfull if you wonder how to practice Javascript.

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How to build a website with Hugo and amp tutorial

Intro to how to build a website with Hugo and amp tutorial Today we will focus on how to build a website with Hugo and amp, next we will host it on S3. Last episode about performance you can find here: React.js performance tutorial Last days we noticed our blog is growing a lot in size, and performance is going down. As max on slow 3g, we had even 7s to LCP that punished our SEO, and visits decreased three times.

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